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7387 Wright Aeronautical Cyclone Series 9GC 1944 Parts Reference Charts (part# 855631)
7388 Wright Aeronautical Cyclone Series 9HC Overhaul Manual (part# 855609)
7408 Wright Aeronautical Engine Operation Notes Engine Operation Notes (part# WRENGOP)
7415 Wright Aeronautical GR-1820G-100 Parts Catalog (part# 851361)
7417 Wright Aeronautical GR-1820G-200 1940 Installation, Operation & Maintenance (part# WRGR1820G200)
7416 Wright Aeronautical GR-1820G-200 Parts Catalog (part# WRGR1820G200)
7527 Wright Aeronautical J-5 Series Whirlwind Parts Catalog (part# WRJ5)
7528 Wright Aeronautical J-5A, B (a SER) & J-5A (b SER) Installation, Inspection, and Maintenance (part# WRJ5A,B)
7529 Wright Aeronautical J-6 Series Parts Catalog (part# 87074)
7530 Wright Aeronautical J-6E Series Parts Catalog No.2 (part# 850343)
13674 Wright Aeronautical J65-W-16A Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# NAVWEPS 02B-35AAC-4)
7418 Wright Aeronautical J65-W-3 Series 1955 Field Maintenance & Replacement (part# 2J-J65-6)
7419 Wright Aeronautical J65-W-3 Series 1964 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 2J-J65-4)
7410 Wright Aeronautical Lubrication & Fuel Requirements Lubrication & Fuel Requirements (part# WRLUBRIC)
7405 Wright Aeronautical Model 972TC18DA 1958 Parts Catalog (part# WR972TC18DA)
7411 Wright Aeronautical Parts & Tool Price List 1943 Parts & Tool Price List (part# WRPARTOOL)
7421 Wright Aeronautical R-1300-1, -1A, -2, -2A 1951 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02A-35KA-3)
7423 Wright Aeronautical R-1300-1, -1A, -2, -2A, -2B 1957 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 2R-R1300-4)
7420 Wright Aeronautical R-1300-1, -1A, -2, -2A, 2B 1951 Maintenance Instructions (part# 2R-R1300-2)
7424 Wright Aeronautical R-1300-1B, -3, -3A, -3C, -3D 1962 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 2R-R1300-14)
7425 Wright Aeronautical R-1300-1B, -3C, -3D Overhaul Manual (part# 2R-R1300-13)
7426 Wright Aeronautical R-1300-3, -3A, -3B Maintenance Instructions (part# 2R-R1300-12)
7427 Wright Aeronautical R-1300-3, -3A, -3B Parts Catalog (part# 2R-R1300-14)
7428 Wright Aeronautical R-1750, A, B, C, CE, D, E & R-1820-E Installation, Inspection, & Maintenance (part# WRR1750)
7429 Wright Aeronautical R-1750-CE, E & R-1820-E, EM Parts Catalog (part# WRR1750CE)
7450 Wright Aeronautical R-1820 Series 1977 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02A-35GH-3)
7432 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-103 1951 Parts Catalog (part# 02A-35GJ-4)
7433 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-40 Series 1943 Maintenance Instructions (part# 02-35GC-2)
7434 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-40 Series 1943 Overhaul Instructions (part# 2R-R1820-3)
7435 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-40 Series 1946 Parts Catalog (part# 02-35GC-4)
7436 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-52 1942 Parts Catalog (part# 02-35GA-4B)
7437 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-56 Series 1944 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02A-35GD-3)
7440 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-56 Series 1946 Maintenance Instructions (part# 02-35GD-2)
7438 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-56, -62, -66 1944 Parts Catalog (part# AN 02-35GF-4)
7441 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-56S 1962 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 2R-R1820-74)
7442 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-56S 1963 Overhaul Instructions (part# 2R-R1820-73)
7443 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-57 Series 1943 Maintenance Instructions (part# 02-35GB-2)
7444 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-65, -71, -73&-87 1942 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02-35GC-3)
7445 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-74W & -76 1946 Parts Catalog (part# 02-35GG-4)
7447 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-76A, -76B, -101 1951 Parts Catalog (part# 02A-35GH-4)
7446 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-76A, -76B, -86, -101 1950 Maintenance Instructions (part# 2R-R1820-22)
7448 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-76A, B, C, D, -80, A & -86A Maintenance Instructions (part# 02A-35GH-502)
7451 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-76B Engine Performance Engine Performance (part# 02A-35GH-10)
7452 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-76B, D, -86A, -103A 1965 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 2R-R1820-34)
7460 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-84 1954 Maintenance Instructions (part# 2R-R1820-42)
7463 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-84 1958 Repair Parts, Special Tools, & Supplies (part# 1-2R-R1820-44-2)
7461 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-84, -84A, -84B 1958 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 2R-R1820-44)
7462 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-84, -84A, -84B 1958 Overhaul Instructions (part# 2R-R1820-43)
7465 Wright Aeronautical R-1820-C9HC Engines Overhaul Aircraft Specifications (part# WRR1820C9HC)
7466 Wright Aeronautical R-1820F & GR-1820-F 1935 Installation, Inspection, Maintenance (part# WRR1820F)
7467 Wright Aeronautical R-1820F Series Parts Catalog (part# WRR1820F)
7468 Wright Aeronautical R-2600 1941 Table of Limits (part# WRR2600)
7487 Wright Aeronautical R-2600 1942 Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog (part# 03-75-1)
7483 Wright Aeronautical R-2600 Series Maintenance Manual (part# 02-35HB-2)
7470 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-20 & 22 1944 Maintenance Manual (part# 02-35HC-2)
7471 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-20 & 22 1944 Overhaul Manual (part# AN-02-35HC-3)
7476 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-20 & R-2600-22 1944 Maintenance Instructions (part# 02-35HC-2)
7478 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-20 & R-2600-22 1944 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02-35HC-3)
7477 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-20 & R-2600-22 1944 Parts Catalog (part# 02-35HC-4)
7479 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-29A, -35 1956 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 2R-R2600-4)
7473 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-3, -11, -19, -23 & -25 Maintenance Instructions (part# 02-35HA-2)
7475 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-3, -11, -19, -23 & -25 Operation & Flight Instructions (part# 02-35HA-1)
7474 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-3, -11, -19, -23 & -25 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02-35HA-3)
7480 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-7 & R-2600-9 1943 Parts Catalog (part# 02-35HB-4)
7469 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-7, -8, -9 & -13 Maintenance Instructions (part# 02-35HB-2)
7481 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-8 1942 Parts Catalog (part# 02-35HB-4B)
7482 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-8, -12, -13, -29 & -31 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02A-35HB-3)
7486 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-8, -9 & -13 1942 Operation Instructions (part# 02-35HB-1)
7485 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-8, 8A, 12, 13, 29, 31 & 35 Overhaul Instructions (part# 2R-R2600-3)
7484 Wright Aeronautical R-2600-8, A, 12, 13, 20, 22, 29, 31 Parts Catalog (part# 2R-R2600-4)
7505 Wright Aeronautical R-3350 & TC18 Service School Manual (part# WRR3350SERV)
7508 Wright Aeronautical R-7601 Series 1942 Preliminary Parts Catalog (part# 02-35DA-4)
7511 Wright Aeronautical R-760E & R-975E Series Instruction Book (part# 111429N11)
7513 Wright Aeronautical R-975 Table of Limits Table of Limits (part# 02-35-1)
7512 Wright Aeronautical R-975, R-1820 & R-2600 1942 Table of Limits (part# 02-35-1)
7514 Wright Aeronautical R-975-7 & R-975-11 1943 Maintenance Instructions (part# 02-35A-2)
7517 Wright Aeronautical R-975-7 & R-975-11 1943 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02-35A-3)
7515 Wright Aeronautical R-975-7 & R-975-11 1943 Parts Catalog (part# 02-35A-4)
7516 Wright Aeronautical R-975-7 & R-975-11 Operating Instructions (part# 02-35A-1)
7518 Wright Aeronautical R-975E Spec. No. 1070 Aircraft Specification (part# WRR975E)
7519 Wright Aeronautical R-975EC-2 Whirlwind Installation, Operation, Maintenance (part# WRR975EC2)
14298 Wright Aeronautical R1300-3, -3A, -3B (R-1300) Maintenance Instructions (part# 2R-R1300-12 / AN 02A-35KB-2)
7464 Wright Aeronautical R1820 Series 1977 Maintenance Instructions (part# 02A-35GH-502)
14715 Wright Aeronautical R1820-76, -80, -86 Series 1981 Parts Catalog (part# 02A-35GH-4)
7449 Wright Aeronautical R1820-76, -80, -86 Series 1983 Depot Maintenance Instructions (part# 02A-35GH-3)
14299 Wright Aeronautical R1820-82 Overhaul Instructions (part# AN 02-35GL-3)
7453 Wright Aeronautical R1820-82 Series 1955 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 2R-R1820-54)
7458 Wright Aeronautical R1820-82, -82A, -82B & -82C 1979 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 02A-35GN-504)
7457 Wright Aeronautical R1820-82, -82A, -82B & -82C Maintenance Instructions (part# 02A-35GN-502)
7459 Wright Aeronautical R1820-82, -82A, -82B, -82C 1980 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02A-35GN-503)
7455 Wright Aeronautical R1820-82, -84 1974 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 03-5J-18)
7454 Wright Aeronautical R1820-82, R1820-84 Series 1977 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02A-35GN-503)
7472 Wright Aeronautical R2600-8, 8A, 12, 13, 20, 22 1945 Parts Catalog (part# 2R-R2600-4)
7489 Wright Aeronautical R3350 1945 Operation & Inspection (part# WRR3350)
7492 Wright Aeronautical R3350 Series 1945 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02A-35JA-3)
7490 Wright Aeronautical R3350-13, -21, & -23 1942 Operation Instructions (part# 02-35JA-1)
7491 Wright Aeronautical R3350-13, 18, 19, 21, 23, 35, 41 Maintenance Instructions (part# 02-35JA-2)
7503 Wright Aeronautical R3350-18, 19, 21, 23A, 35, A, 41, 57, Overhaul Instructions (part# 02A-35JA-3)
7493 Wright Aeronautical R3350-19, -41, -57, -57DW&-59 Parts Catalog (part# 855870)
7504 Wright Aeronautical R3350-19, 41, 57, 57DW, 59 1945 Parts Catalog (part# 02-35JA-4D)
7494 Wright Aeronautical R3350-26WA, -26WC Maintenance Instructions (part# 02A-35JG-2)
7495 Wright Aeronautical R3350-26WA, WB, WC, WD 1962 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 02A-35JP-504)
7496 Wright Aeronautical R3350-30W 1951 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02-35JJ-3)
7497 Wright Aeronautical R3350-34, 91 1954 Overhaul Instructions (part# 2R-R3350-53)
7499 Wright Aeronautical R3350-57M, -57AM, -83 Overhaul Instructions (part# 2R-R3350-3)
7498 Wright Aeronautical R3350-57M, -57AM, -83 Parts Catalog (part# 2R-R3350-4)
7500 Wright Aeronautical R3350-8, -14, -17, -31, -33 1943 Maintenance Instructions (part# 02-35JB-2)
7502 Wright Aeronautical R3350-89A, B, -93, -95W 1966 Overhaul Manual (part# 2R-R3350-53)
7501 Wright Aeronautical R3350-89A, B, -93, -95W 1967 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 2R-R3350-54)
7509 Wright Aeronautical R760-8 & R975-28 1942 Parts Catalog (part# 852694)
7520 Wright Aeronautical T3A & T3B Tornado 1927 Installation, Inspection & Maintenance (part# WRT3A,B)
7523 Wright Aeronautical TC18 Series Training Manual 1956 (part# WRTC18TR)
7521 Wright Aeronautical TC18EA Series Overhaul Manual (part# WRTC18EA)
7522 Wright Aeronautical TC18EA Series Service Manual 1956 (part# WRTC18EAM)
7524 Wright Aeronautical TCI-27 Series 1957 Basic Theory of Operation (part# WRTCI27)
7414 Wright Aeronautical The Turbo-Compound in Service Maintenance Manual (part# WRTURBO)
7413 Wright Aeronautical Trouble Shooting 1957 Trouble Shooting (part# WRTROUB)
7409 Wright Aeronautical Turbo Compound Engine 1952 Interchangeable Parts List (part# 02-35-4)
7531 Wright Aeronautical Whirlwind 1929 First Edition Installation, Inspection, & Maintenance (part# WRWHIRL)
7526 Wright Aeronautical Whirlwind 7, 9 R-760E & R-975E Installation, Operation, Maintenance (part# WR7,9-42-M-C)
7525 Wright Aeronautical Whirlwind 7, 9 R-760E & R-975E Maintenance Manual (part# WR7,9-40-M-C)
13968 Wright Aeronautical YJ65-W-1 1952 Service Manual (part# YJ65-W-1)
1124 Wright R-1820 Cyclone 9 Maintenance Manual
1130 Wright R-1820 Maintenance Manuals (part# AN 02A-35GL-3/AN 02A-35GH-3)
1126 Wright R-2600 Cyclone 14 Maintenance Manual
13999 Wright R-2600-8, 8A, 12, 13, 29, 31, 35 Handbook Overhaul Instructions (part# 2R-R2600-3)
685 Wright R-3350-18BA Cyclone Maintenance Manual (part# 113235N2)
784 Wright R-790 J-5 Whirlwind Maintenance Manual
7430 WRR1820G, GR1820G M C Maintenance Instructions (part# WRR1820G,GR1820)
12258 Wulfsberg Electronics, Inc. FC-10 Flite Converter Brochure with Schematic (part# WUFC10-B-C)
12257 Wulfsberg Electronics, Inc. Flitefone 40 MOD 1 Maintenance Manual (part# 150-0035)
12259 Wulfsberg Electronics, Inc. WT-200 VHF Comm. Transceiver Maintenance and Installation (part# 150-0038)
880 Wyvern S.4 Pilot's Notes (part# AP 4272C PN)
681 XF5U-1 Flight Manual
588 YC-15 Flight Manual
850 York CI Pilot's Notes (part# AP 2484A PN)
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